Saturday, March 5, 2011

What are we doing!??!

OK... HERE WE ARE!  We are Christine, the ever-impressive guru of multi-talents... and Amanda, the incredible, inspiring motivator of many things.  Both artists and living in what most artists might consider "the boonies."  Yesterday, I, Amanda, woke up with an inexplicable urge to start a blog (even though I have never even read a blog; and if you happen to know me, you know I honestly do not enjoy reading anything at all) and had no idea where the thought originated as I am not a writer and have plenty of other things to keep me busy.  Soooooo, I posted on my Facebook page that irrational desire of mine to see my new friend, Christine, reply with some comical remarks and a title for our new blog... so here it is and we'll see where it goes. 

The thought here, is how do artists continue to create works in areas that lack cultural diversity... and we could add to it... in this fanta-bulous economy that seems to be eliminating most of what we do as professionals?  Where is the inspiration?  Where is the motivation?  Where are the shows?  Where is the credibility as an artist not active in a vibrant art scene?  What are WE doing as artists to promote ourselves?  What are we doing as artists to help other artists thrive (or merely survive)?

We'll tell you what we're doing and can't wait to hear about what you're doing.  So... let's make some lemonade with all these lemons!

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