Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blog Neglect

Hello Boonie Buddies!

Oops... While I have been watching birds hatch in a nest off my back door, I have neglected all the fine followers here... and for that, I apologize.   Here's an update from "the informer."  (at least I beat Christine to the next post, eh?)

The shows are up and if you happen down DesPlaines Street, you will notice its new glow!  (literally)  And here's a sneak preview... just for you:

 We are now in a couple publications for your reading pleasure:

The big event kick-off is in 2 days!!!  2 DAYS!!!  OMG!!!  Only 2 more days to throw this whole thing together!  No sweat... thanks to all these amazing artist helpers!  I love the art community!  What a community it is!  Everything is coming together and we now just have to get the final details ironed out (and of course, since we've gotten the pop-up spaces all set up and ready to go, the Cube has been a little pushed aside, so we still have to get that space organized and in order).

See you Friday!

1 comment:

  1. This is very exciting. Kalamazoo Michigan did an Art Hop and they had artists set up in local businesses. The local businesses often set up sales, snacks many times wine or champagne to help get people into their stores. Looking forward to seeing how this goes.
