Saturday, June 18, 2011

More on Interactive Art

In cohesion with the question above, and with the mission of actions it has been provoking out in the real world... I was thinking about drawing in the public to create a collaborative painting and then working towards putting the work TO WORK by generating funds for "something."  But, what will that "something" be? 

We thought at first that we would put money from sales of the public work towards prizes for a future show in the boonies, but then someone brought to our attention a better idea...

How about if we take the money we make from the sales of the public painting and donate it to the Riverfront Project in Plainfield?  THAT is a great idea, we think... public art benefiting the future public!  What more could you ask for!?!

Painting on the canvas will be free of course, and maybe we can even just put out a little donation bucket just in case people don't want to spend money on purchasing a 1-foot square of the finished product, but then again, who wouldn't want to be a part of this historical event and grab a slice of it for themselves as a momento?  I know I want one!

How about your thoughts on this one now too!??!

One more thing... if you don't mind, please copy the url at the top and paste it as your status on FB as we are really working on spreading the word about this Art-walk... which is REALLY doing very well!!!  Thank you for being a part of it and for following us in our endeavor to save the arts, build the arts, and beautify everything we happen upon!

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