Sunday, April 3, 2011

Woohoo! We're getting an artwalk! Now what?

Christine here again from Crowsfeet Studios.  Stand back, keep your eyes on your own paper and let the blogging commence.

Okay, so we are going to have an artwalk, we have a bunch of artists showing their stuff, and we have a bunch of cool buildings to exhibit in!  Exciting, no?  Darn right, it is. So you may have some questions about the pop-up galleries and the walk, since this whole thing is pretty new to Plainfield.  All questions will be answered, all fears allayed.

"How should I dress for this artwalk?  Is there proper artwalk attire?" I hear you ask.  Well, don't worry.  Almost any form of clothing is acceptable, but loincloths and HAZMAT suits are strongly discouraged.  However, I personally have nothing against "snuggies".

"Will there be beverages and food?"  Yes, there will. On the first Fridays, snacks and drinks will be available for all, not to mention the local restaurants and pubs will have their usual selection of tasty morsels and thirst-quenching potables. However, there will be no tailgating, shindigs, wingdings, or hootnannies. Also, no bungee-jumping or sword swallowing.  They just cause problems at artwalks...

"Will I be able to purchase art at the artwalk?"  Of course!  But not all art will be for sale.  Also, artists will not perform magic tricks or balancing acts or ride unicycles.  Well- they might, but it would take a really big tip.

"Where will all the galleries be?  Will there be some sort of map or flyer to guide us on our journey of artistic expression?"  You betcha.  Working on them right now, in fact.  All the times, dates, and locations will be laid out for you.  And maybe a word-find and one of those illusions where you cross your eyes at a colorful pattern and see a unicorn.  Okay, I made that up.

That's all for now, kids.  Amanda and I will keep you updated, so never fear. Tell your friends, your enemies- anyone who will listen, that the Plainfield artwalk is coming in May.   Trust me, it will be even better and more exciting than reasonable prices for gasoline!

Live long and prosper.  Later!


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