Monday, April 11, 2011

Intimidated Aspiring Artists

It's Amanda (I feel like Snufalupogous when I write that... all dark, sad and gloomy... compared to Christine, who I learned in her last post as hair.).

We've come across some rather small hurdles while trying to put this art-walk together.  Some of them were just little road humps while a few of them seemed to be a bit bigger, but seriously nothing large we've had to overcome... yet.

I've noticed that since we put out a call to artists, more professional artists are tending to ask for shows... artists that are very active in an art scene and eager to take advantage of the opportunity to have another exhibition to put that extra line on the resume... which makes for some cool shows, but my question would be... why are we attracting artists that already have experience and who have no problem securing shows in existing, well-known, permanent galleries?  And, why are the amateur or aspiring artists not applying?  It seems backwards to me given the spaces we have in the town we're in... so here's what I have come up with:

First, I guess it would make sense that the more experienced artists would apply because they are used to applying and they have already been through the process of going from beginning to intermediate or advanced as an exhibiting artist.

Second, more experienced artists understand that a chance to show is a chance to show... the more shows under the belt, the better.  It's that experience that moves an artist up the ladders to the bigger venues with their art because with each exhibition comes experience with showing, pricing and talking about work to the public. 

If you are or know an aspiring artist who really would like an opportunity to show their work and maybe even sell their work and possibly might even have a desire to be a "real artist," then I have a few words for you as I am a professional artist, show my work on a consistent basis, and am active in any art scene that surrounds me....

1.  Overcome the fear of rejection.  You made your work for a reason, and it is what it is.  Enjoy it.  Savor it.  Build on it.  Share it.
2.  Do not let the application intimidate you.  Applications, rules, regulations, etc... they are all part of the culture of Western civilization and again... it is what it is.  Think about what you truly want for yourself and your art and maybe even your artistic career and make a decision based on that.  I'm not saying ignore what the application has to say, I'm just saying not to let it intimidate you out of a really great opportunity to show.  If you have questions about the application, just call me and ask.
3.  If dates conflict:  Artists are resourceful and full of problem-solving skills... figure it out, give me a call and present the opportunities.  You'd be surprised how we like to support the arts and become flexible to do so.

Hope to see those applications soon!  We've created the opportunities... now you take it an run with it!  We are SO excited about this Art-Walk... it's gonna be a blast!  See you there!

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