It's Christine again. You know, the Crows Feet Studios chick with the hair.
Pop-up galleries, art-walks, free snacks-- hey, throw in some fireworks and some elves giving everyone presents and this May 6th could be the best day EVER. Amanda is making this thing happen, and it will be huge. For those of you who don't know yet, that's the first day of Plainfield's art-walk, and it will be beyond cool. The magic hour is at 6pm, and it goes 'til 9 pm. There is no excuse for not being there. I don't care if you're doing time, or if you're trapped underneath something heavy- just be there.
But what about the artists themselves? I'm sure there are PLENTY of talented, amazing artist out there (and you know who you are) that are just itching to get their stuff out in the public eye. Well, stop watching German impressionist films and apply for the artwalk! C'mon, the application form is right on the previous blog! You have no excuse! Don't make me use peer pressure on you. Look, maybe you might be a little hesitant because you're unfamilar with Plainfield, or artwalks, or maybe you just don't like contact with other humans. Have no fear, I will help you make the right decision.
Yup, you guessed it. Here's another one of my famous lists that I put in my silly blogs.
"Why should I- a talented artist- display my work at this Plainfield Art-walk?"
Because hundreds and hundreds of people will see it! Because they will want to buy it! Because Plainfield is cool! Because I told you to!!
"I've never displayed my work in an art-walk. Is this very different from displaying my work in normal gallery?"
No, not really. That location may change month to month due to the nature of a pop-up gallery, but it's a very similar situation. People walk in, they are amazed by your work, and they leave-- speechless, teary-eyed and with a totally different perspective on life. Just like when I play "House of the Dead" at Dave & Busters.
"What if the other artists don't like me?"
Nonsense! That won't happen. All the artists are very nice, respectful, and totally without anger management issues (as far as we know). We are here for a common goal, and we all play nicely together. There will even be group hugs, I think. My husband says that he'll pass on the group hugs, though.
"Okay, Christine. I am convinced that you are right and I am foolish for waiting another minute to apply for this artwalk. What do I do now?"
Well, Amanda laid out the requirements on a previous blog titled "Let's curate some shows". The application form is on the previous blog, and you can contact Amanda at artintheboonies@yahoo.com. Or, you can contact her through Art Cube Studios. Don't be shy, don't listen to the voices in your head- apply now! C'mon, all the cool artists are applying. You want to be like them, don't you? (That was my clever use of peer pressure.)
Gotta sleep now. Red Bull and nachos can only keep me conscious for so long.
And remember kids- "This is my art, and it is dangerous." You will impress me if you can identify that quote. :)
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